Do you want to learn Ballet ? ???? Are you looking for a Ballet Class in Bogor ? Let’s join Ballet Class @houseoftalentcenter ???

Do you want to learn Ballet ? ???? Are you looking for a Ballet Class in Bogor ? Let’s join Ballet Class @houseoftalentcenter ???
For registration, please contact: .
House of Talent
Jl Pandu Raya no: 20, Bogor
(Across from Cafe Foresthree)
Phone : (0251) 755-8242
WA : 0899-278-1192
#ballet #balletclass #balletclassbogor #kelasballet #kelasballetbogor#balletanak #kelasballetanak #bogor #balletbogor #bogorballet#lesballetbogor #kursusballetbogor #kelasbogor #kursusbogor#bogordance #dancebogor #bogordancestudio #studiodancebogor#houseoftalent #rumahbakat #houseoftalentcenter @ House of Talent – Rumah Bakat


Image may contain: one or more people, people standing and basketball court
Kelas ballet house of talent
Image may contain: 1 person
Kelas Ballet anak

Are you looking for Mandarin Course in Bogor ? Let’s join Mandarin Class at House of Talent !!! We have Mandarin Class for kids, teenagers, and adults.

Image may contain: one or more people, people sitting, table and indoor

Are you looking for Mandarin Course in Bogor ? Let’s join Mandarin Class at House of Talent !!! We have Mandarin Class for kids, teenagers, and adults.

For more info, contact:

House of Talent
Your One Stop Learning Center
Jl Pandu Raya no: 20, Bogor
(across from Cafe Foresthree)
Telp: (0251) 755-8242
WA : 0899-278-1192

Let’s join Fun Zumba Class with Zin Vina every Wednesday 5:00 pm at House of Talent ! ????? Let’s dance together and have some fun……!!! ?????

bogor zumba

Let’s join Fun Zumba Class with Zin Vina every Wednesday 5:00 pm at House of Talent ! ????? Let’s dance together and have some fun……!!! ?????

For registration, contact:

House of Talent
Jl Pandu Raya no: 20, Bogor
(across from Foresthree)
Phone : (0251) 755-8242
WA : 0899-278-1192

bogor Zumba


Line dance Bogor at House of Talent…. Fun!



Cari tempat belajar Line Dance yang seru dan lagi nge-trend di Bogor ? Gabung yuk di Kelas Line Dance bersama Instruktur Hottie di House of Talent. ?????

Untuk pendaftaran, hubungi:

House of Talent
Jl Pandu Raya no: 20, Bogor
(Seberang Cafe Foresthree)
Telp: (0251) 755-8242
WA : 0899-278-1192

Muay Thai Bogor at House of talent! Join yuk…

MuayThai Bogor at house of Talent….Keren!

Bogor MuayThai Mantab!

MuayThai Bogor

Let’s join Muay Thai Class with Coach Ridwan every Tuesday 5:00 pm and Thursday 9:00 am at House of Talent. ???

Recommended for weight loss program, body shaping, endurance, and stamina. ???

For registration, contact:

Berbagai Kelas Zumba di Bogor dengan jadwal rutin dan Zin yang professional! join House of Talent 0251-755-8242

zumba bogor
Zumba bogor join House of Talent 0251-755-4242

Ayo olahraga biar badan tetap sehat, segar, dan cantik !!! ??? Ikutan yukkk Kelas Zumba bersama Zin Dea setiap Selasa jam 8:30 pagi & Jumat jam 10:00 pagi di House of Talent ! ???‍♀️?‍♀️?‍♀️

Untuk pendaftaran, hubungi:

House of Talent
Jl Pandu Raya no: 20, Bogor
(Seberang Cafe Foresthree)
Telp : (0251) 755-8242
WA : 0899-278-1192

Hadirilah Exhibisi House of Talent di Mall Ekalsokasari Bogor tgl 28 May 2018 @12 noon

kids dance
House of Talent Pameran di Ekalokasari mall, Join yuk!

Hallo warga Bogor….. ??? Datang yukkk ke Pameran House of Talent pada hari Sabtu, 28 April 2018 jam 12:00 Wib s/d selesai di Lippo Plaza Ekalokasari Lt. 3
Saksikan Penampilan Bakat dari murid2 House of Talent (Kids Dance, Vocal, dan Modelling) !!! GRATIS Biaya Pendaftaran bagi yang daftar pada saat pameran.

Untuk info lebih lanjut, hubungi:

House of Talent
Jl. Pandu Raya no: 20, Bogor
(Seberang Cafe Foresthree)
Telp : (0251) 755-8242
WA : 0899-278-1192
FB & IG : houseoftalentcenter

#houseoftalent #rumahbakat #houseoftalentcenter #houseoftalentstudio#houseoftalentbogor #rumahbakatbogor #bogor #bogorevent #bogorexhibition #bogorclass#bogorcourse #kelasbogor #kursusbogor #olahragabogor #tempatkursusbogor#tempatlesbogor #bogorstudio #studiobogor #bogordancestudio #studiodancebogor#studiosenambogor #sanggarbogor #sanggarsenambogor #sanggartaribogor